Living Legacy

Allan K. Davidson

Publication price: $60.00 - Payment may be made by cheque to: Vaughan Park Anglican Retreat Centre. With email and fax orders an invoice will be sent.

A History of the Anglican Diocese of Auckland

"It is time that our part of that greater story is properly researched and adequately told, for its successes as well as its failures, itrs achievements as well as its losses, for it is an interesting story of fallible men and women, sometimes with great courage and foresight, engaged in furthering the Kingdom of God in this context, and across cultures."
- The Right Revd John Paterson, Auckland Diocesan Synod, 2004

Living Legacy celebrates our achievements and brings critical insights into the ways in which Anglicans have sought to be 'church' in the Diocese of Auckland.  It is a story intimately interwoven with the earliest European settlement and contact with Maori, and involves us as Christians in the very heart of 21st century Aotearoa New Zealand.

Living Legacy tells our story, that of Maori, Pakeha, and all cultures; women and men; children and youth; the institutional church and parishes; ordained and laity; social services and propetic witness; church organisations and schools; and our response to society and the issues of the day.