The Passion Of The Christ

The Rev. Canon Dr. James M. McPherson


Good Friday, dense in paradox, deserves much

better than the dour metonymy “God sent his only

son to die for me”, as though his execution were

the goal and total of his living; I read it as his

Passion, not his blood, availed. Gethsemane

began at his conceiving; and deepened with each

onslaught successfully withstood until he made

a rough-hewn cross the triumph of his adamantine

faith and hallmark for his own; his Passion even then

not yet complete; until beyond Hell’s harrowing

he left the stone-cold tomb and warmed the chill

disciples into his new life to read him as God’s

all-sufficing gift, as Parable enfleshed; who did not

come to die, but so to live that I may live in him.


© The Revd James M McPherson