United Kingdom Link-Person

11 January 2017

The Rev. Gary Colville, Kent


A former police officer and fire-fighter, Gary has been in ministry in the Church of England since 1990 - training at Salisbury and Wells Theological College.  Mainly serving in parish ministry in the Diocese of Rochester, he spent four years in Bermuda.  Today as a parish priest he is engaged in community development and with people who are homeless and/or mentally ill.  It was during his sabbatical in 2009 that Gary spent two weeks on retreat at Vaughan Park, whilst travelling round the world looking at the churches role in the Olympic Games.  Gary described his time at Vaughan Park as a wonderfully creative and encouraging time and the best retreat he'd ever had.  The model at work there he recognises as having great value in the churches service to all aspects of a modern society, all kinds of people and this along with fantastic hospitality is a truly 'Christ-like' experience.

January 2012 Gary has been appointed as one of the Volunteer Chaplains to the Olympics.

Contact details; Phone 01634-8451222, e mail gcolville@blueyonder.co.uk

The Vicarage, 138 Delce Rd, Rochester, Kent, England ME1 2EH