The Rev. Sarah Harris

2009 The Vaughan Park Scholar in Residence

Currently, Sarah is a Priest Assistant to the Bishop of Auckland and a fulltime doctoral student with Otago University.

While at Vaughan Park, she researched how Luke 19:10 functions in the Third Gospel, and asked why the author has chosen to attach this saying to the Zacchaeus pericope.

“Gospel narratives form the heart of who we are as Christians, and I believe that the Third Gospel is particularly relevant to the Western Church.   The Western church needs to learn to read this Gospel in particular with care and attention, as its message will help us transform unjust structures of society and show us how to respond to the needs of others with compassion.   We show remarkable similarities to Theophilus, the Gospel’s original recipient, and we need to heed the call of how we live and worship in light of our privileged position.”